Tuesday, August 31, 2010

To Know Him

I have no other desire - though the path gets muddles and debris falls in my way -
I have no other desire but to Know my God.
I mean really know Him.
Where does He really dwell?
Who is He anyway?
What is He like?
I don't need words to explain - they are a block in the road to true knowing.
Knowing God is found in the deep - in the interior
It is not on display.

It is frustrating - this search.
No matter what I think I know or where I have arrived
there is always an alley wall with no exit and I stand before it
and cry out again.
Let me know You !
Who are You?

Deep pools...

Finding a peaceful - very quiet place today. I should really say that it found me. The Light within shines brightly but softly in my heart. It isn't the glaring sun of a hot summer day
nor the chilly light of winter's solstice but the soft buttery warmth of fall - caressing the
earth in one last gasp of warmth before nature recedes for a long winter's night.
I dive in and it is like a beautiful deep pool at the foot of a waterfall.
The invitation -
It says, "Don't be distracted from the goal...fix your eye on the Prize and you will be steadied."

I am so grateful for the way God draws me - unexpectingly - into His space.
I was sitting, knitting listening to John Michael Talbot and my soul began to sing along
Voiceless accompaniment to the Spirit's dance within.