Sunday, March 8, 2015

What's up?

I have no idea...what's up is  it up that I seek when it is down or side ways.
Upside down...spinning like an errant top.
Some days nothing seems ordered...not my all exists
Like the pieces of some frightful jig saw puzzle...out on the table waiting for order and form to be administered.
The girls went home today...oh how I miss them...just the knowing that they are here even if they aren't in the same room or house even is such joy a comfort...
When they leave - ouch!
Then - what seemed so full of smiles and joy falls splat like a flat pancake where the cook forgot the levem.
Someone told me that the world needs my voice.  How can that be when many days I don't want to hear it.
Recently I read a portion of the biography of St. Catherine or Genoa.  I was very encouraged to know that she struggled with depression and melancholy.  So, I am not closed off from the "holy, saintly" club because gray clouds and raindrops follow me.  Good, because without Jesus and the Body of Christ I'd be Him, I live and move and have my being...
March 8 2015

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